The prevalence of vaping CBD among e-cigarette users, particularly among adolescents, has become a s…

The prevalence of vaping CBD among e-cigarette users, particularly among adolescents, has become a significant concern. According to the results of the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey, more than 1 in 5 students who use electronic cigarettes reported vaping CBD. This component of marijuana, unlike THC, does not produce a psychoactive effect. However, there are still serious risks involved in vaping CBD, and health experts are urging caution.

The survey, which included a nationally representative sample of around 28,000 American students, found that 21.3% of reported active e-cigarette users had vaped CBD.[0] Additionally, 6.3% of these students were unsure whether they had vaped CBD or not.[1] These findings indicate a concerning trend among young e-cigarette users.

The study also found a positive correlation between vaping frequency and duration with current CBD vaping. This suggests that those who vape more frequently and for longer durations are more likely to vape CBD. Notably, the perception of tobacco danger increased the likelihood of vaping CBD, especially among non-e-cigarette users.[2] This highlights the importance of educating adolescents about the adverse health effects of vaping CBD to reduce its use among youths.

The increase in cannabis vaping among adolescents in the United States has been attributed to factors such as increased availability, convenient use, and discreetness of vaping devices. In 2022, there was a significant rise in cannabis vaping, with the highest prevalence reported among twelfth-grade students, followed by tenth-grade students.

While CBD is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, it still has the potential to cause harm to the lungs, liver, and male reproductive system. It is crucial to determine the prevalence of CBD vaping among youths to estimate the health consequences in this population. Although CBD is popularized as a non-psychoactive component, safety concerns remain, including potential harm to various organs and systems.

The risks associated with kids vaping CBD stem from both the act of vaping itself and the marijuana component. CBD vaping may have serious implications for lung health, liver function, and reproductive health. It is essential for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to be aware of these risks and take steps to educate and protect young people.[1]

In response to the growing concern about CBD vaping among adolescents, there have been calls for increased education and awareness. Communication, education, and public awareness campaigns can play a vital role in informing young people about the potential dangers of vaping CBD.[3] By providing accurate information and promoting healthier alternatives, it is possible to reduce the prevalence of CBD vaping among youths.

It is also crucial for policymakers and regulators to address the issue of CBD vaping among adolescents. Stricter regulations, age restrictions, and increased enforcement can help curb the availability and accessibility of vaping devices and CBD products. This, combined with comprehensive education efforts, can contribute to a decrease in CBD vaping among young people.

In conclusion, the prevalence of CBD vaping among e-cigarette users, particularly adolescents, is a concerning trend. The 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey revealed that a significant number of students who use electronic cigarettes have also vaped CBD.[4] This highlights the urgent need for education and awareness campaigns to inform young people about the potential risks associated with CBD vaping. By addressing this issue through a combination of education, regulation, and enforcement, it is possible to protect the health and well-being of young people.

0. “CBD Vapes Rising in Popularity Among Teens | Fox 11 Tri Cities …”, 13 Sep. 2023,

1. “CBD Vapes Rising in Popularity Among Teens | Health |”, 13 Sep. 2023,

2. “U.S. teens vaping CBD at alarming rates: Study reveals surprising …”, 13 Sep. 2023,

3. “CBD Tea Trends: What's Hot in Wholesale and Wellness – News …”, 13 Sep. 2023,

4. “1606 taps AR XTLabs to develop AI chatbot for CBD sector | OTC …”, 13 Sep. 2023,

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